The Canadian Chapter of the International Society of Nature & Forest Medicine

The Canadian Chapter of the International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (INFOM) is an interdisciplinary organization of researchers and practitioners striving to advance the use of nature as a holistic healthcare treatment. A primary purpose of INFOM is to encourage rigorous scientific research on the health benefits of spending time in nature so that healthcare providers can confidently make treatment recommendations that include natural settings.

Although INFOM was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 2011 to study the impact of forest bathing trips in local forests, the initial meeting of the Canadian chapter of INFOM was held at the Nippon Medical School Hospital in Tokyo with Dr Qing Li on September 28th 2016.
Dr. Qing Li, MD, Ph.D, is an associate Professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, Japan and a forest Medicine/Shinrin yoku researcher and vice president of INFOM.
Dr Li presented the history and concept behind INFOM. We knew immediately that we had to organize the Canadian Chapter of INFOM.
Mrs Bernadette Rey and Dino Riccio, both facilitated a discussion on a plan to set up the Canadian Chapter with the backup of different medical institutions and universities involved in eco-forest impacts and in groups conducting therapeutics researches in holistic healthcare treatments.

Mrs Bernadette Rey was sensitized by the practice of Shinrin Yoku in 2009 and supports environment medicine, sustainable and medical textiles and fibres (the famous monoterpene, d-limonene by Rodents). She is a member of different organizations such as the Foundation of Mont Saint Bruno, a protected National park, researcher and lecturer as a guide in Forest Therapy, Pure and Applied Science college diploma and certificate in anthropology.
M.Dino Riccio is a certified trainer and speaker for more than 20 years internationally and nationally. He is a tourism wholesaler for the past 35 years specialized in Asia with more than 6 million km covered in Asia, 400,000 km in Japan alone. Practiced unofficial “shinrin yoku” since his very first travel experiences to Japan in 1983 in many national parks. He is a forerunner in Canada in fair tourism, defender of natural habitats and respect of local cultures.

We are proud to announce that the Canadian Chapter of INFOM is now officially created.
INFOM is an interdisciplinary organization and welcomes participation from individuals in fields related to nature and health. INFOM membership dues are $60 annually and are payable online at

To obtain additional information and learn how to become involved in INFOM
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Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.

Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.