The 1st Croatian International Congress on Forest Therapy

Last Updated:Sep 7, 2022

For the first time in Croatia, the meaning of "Shinrin-yoku", the old Japanese method of regeneration of the human organism, which is only provided by enjoying the benefits of the forest, is presented and explained. Dr. Qing Li from Nippon School of Health gave this method a new scientific basis and it has traveled the world under the name of Forest Bathing.

Experts from around the world, whose names are listed in the congress program, decided to participate in our congress on forest bathing. Forest bathing has become a new trend in year-round sustainable tourism, one with an emphasis on individual well-being in forest surroundings, having in mind that the forest is man's cheapest and closest pharmacy. The forest needs to be nurtured and made ecologically sustainable so that people can establish a close relationship with it and thus be able to appreciate it.

The variety of experiences of our lecturers will be interesting to both individuals and experts from medicine, forestry, and public and private sectors. In addition to the presentations, workshops on this topic will also be organized.

The website of the congress is as follows.

The vice-president and Secretary General of INFOM, Prof. & Dr. Qing Li will have a keynote presentation on “The effects of forest bathing on human health - an introduction to forest medicine”.

The vice-president of INFOM, Prof. & Dr. Won Sop Shin also will have a keynote presentation on “The Korean experience of forest therapy”. (Reported by Qing Li)
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Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.

Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.