Symposium on Forest Medicine in Japan on March 3, 2023
Last Updated:Feb 06, 2023
The 93rd annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene will be held on March 2-4, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan as follows.
A Symposium on Forest Medicine organized by the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine will be held on March 3 during the 93rd annual meeting as follows.
Past, Present and Future of Forest Medicine Research: Commemorative symposium for the 15th Anniversary of the Society of Forest Medicine
The vice-president and Secretary General of INFOM, Prof. & Dr. Li will chair the symposium and have a presentation on Forest Medicine as follows.
座長 李 卿 日本医科大学付属病院
Chairperson: Prof. & Dr. Qing Li, Nippon Medical School Hospital
森林医学研究会発足15年の歩み The 15-year History of the Society of Forest Medicine
李 卿 日本医科大学付属病院 Prof. & Dr. Qing Li, Nippon Medical School Hospital
森林の香り -特徴と機能- Forest Scent -Features and Functions--
大平辰朗 国立研究開発法人森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所 Dr. Tatsuro Ohira, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
NPO森林セラピーソサエティと森林医学研究 NPO Forest Therapy Society and Forest Medicine Research
瀬上清貴 NPO法人森林セラピーソサエティ Dr. Kiyotaka Segami, NPO Forest Therapy Society and Forest
国際自然・森林医学会と森林医学研究 International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (INFOM) and Forest Medicine Research
今井通子 国際自然・森林医学会 Dr. Michiko Imai, President of INFOM
ワンヘルスと森林浴・森林医学 One Health and Forest Bathing/Forest Medicine
上田 厚 熊本大学 Dr. Atsushi Ueda, Kumamoto University